Public Art > Hair/Wave/Cloud Culture
2015; acrylic paint on vinyl film; 188 x 88 inches
This piece was made for the 6th annual
Bay Ridge Storefront Art Walk (SAW), in Brooklyn.
Since I have long been inspired by images of hair
and the meaning of hair across cultures,
I was very excited when Leon, the Hair Culture salon owner,
agreed to lend his storefront windows for this project.
I developed a drawing that would span the windows and
allow viewers to see through it, both into the salon
and out to the street.
I made this drawing in response to the physical qualities
of the windows, to the nature of the store,
and to Bay Ridge’s proximity to the East River.
One expression of beauty in traditional Chinese poetry
is to compare a woman’s hair to clouds.
My aim was that my drawing
(whether seen as waves of hair or water, or clouds)
would be a pleasing and perhaps intriguing experience
for people who pass by and for people in the salon.