drawings   >   2010–2012

Inspired by organic structures and growth, these ink-on-vellum drawings feature isolated, specimen-like forms made from accumulated clusters of lines.


Bird (2012, 10 x 10 in)

Accrual (2012, 11 x 9 in)

Brood (2012, 11 x 9 in)

Bug (2012, 10 x 5 in)

Destra (2012, 12 x 9 in)

Falls (2012, 12.5 x 10.5 in)

Furling (2012, 10 x 9 in)

Head (2012, 9 x 9 in)

Hover (2012, 9 x 12 in)

Ring (2012, 10 x 9 in)

Sprung (2012, 11 x 9 in)

Strata (2012, 8.5 x 14 in)

Tripod (2012, 10 x 8.5 in)

Twister (2012, 10.25 x 8.25 in)

Wist (2012, 11 x 7 in)

Spine (2010, 12 x 9 in)

Hairpiecewave (2010, 9 x 12 in)

Fork (2010, 12 x 9 in)

Bend (2010, 12 x 9 in)

Owl (2010, 9 x 12 in)

Grump (2010, 12 x 9 in)